50 Things To Put In Your Vehicle Survival Kit
50 Things To Put In Your Vehicle Survival Kit
I recommend purchasing a sturdy backpack, gathering the items in the list below and keeping them in your trunk. Make adjustments based on your personal needs. Much of the equipment will depend on what type of vehicle you own. You should also learn to change a tire, change the oil, jump start a car, and replace fluids, belts and hoses.
Fire, Heat and Light
1. Emergency Candles so you can see in the dark.
2. Fire Sticks – These light even after being submerged in water.
3. Hand Crank Flashlight – Never worry about the battery running out.
4. Light Sticks – These are really cheap in the months after Halloween.
5. Spark-Lite Fire Starter – The official fire starter of the U.S. Military.
6. Blankets – Heatsheets are affordable and very convenient.
7. Change of clothes in case you get wet or dirty.
8. Coats – When it’s only a little cold outside, you can use these instead of the vehicle’s heater and save fuel.
9. Gloves for working on car, building shelter, cold weather, etc.
10. Ponchos
in case it rains.
11. Sleeping Bags
– In case you can’t reach your destination before nightfall.
12. Socks – Much more important than you might think.
13. Spare Shoes in case yours get wet or damaged.
14. Tube Tent – Only eight bucks.
15. Umbrellas in case it’s raining.
16. Batteries – For flashlights or cell phones or any other devices you might have.
17. Compass – Military Style Lensatic Marching Compass With Pouch is the most affordable option.
18. Emergency Food Bars
in case you get hungry. The more protein, the better.
19. Emergency Whistle – The 5 in 1 Survival Whistle is only $5.
20. First Aid Kit – There are a lot of first aid kits
to choose from on amazon.com.
21. Folding Shovel
in case you have to dig something such as a cathole.
22. Food – Anything with a very long shelf life (canned food, MRE’s, etc.). You’ll still need to rotate it.
23. Maps – Check your local department store. Get an atlas of your country and a detailed map of the local area.
24. Metal Cup – Emergency Zone makes a great Stainless Steel Sierra Cup that is perfect for boiling water.
25. Mini Rescue Mirror
so you can signal for help.
26. Multi-Tool
– Again, lots to choose from.
27. Tissues/Napkins – For cleaning spills or use as fire tinder.
28. Toilet Paper – Pretty self explanatory.
29. Water – A gallon a day per person for 3 days.
31. Wire Saw – The Commando Wire Saw cuts through wood and plastic.
Vehicle Equipment
(How much of this you decide to get might depend on the condition of your vehicle.)
32. Antifreeze/Coolant
33. Brake Fluid
34. Extra Belts
35. Fix-A-Flat
36. Flares
37. Fuses
38. Hoses
39. Ice Scraper
40. Jack
41. Jumper Cables
42. Lug Wrench
43. Magic Tank (in case you run out of gas)
44. Oil
45. Ratchet Set
46. Replacement Bulbs
47. Screwdrivers
48. Spare Tire
49. Transmission Fluid
50. Windshield Washer Fluid
One final note of warning: Don’t let your gas tank get below half full. If the disaster is major enough or there are mass evacuations, gas stations will probably be closed, so you want to always have enough gas to last you for a while.
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